7 Sins of Dating – Greed

Traditionally, Greed in the Seven sins pantheon stood for the excessive and rapacious desire for copious amounts of wealth and possessions. The person would stop at nothing to acquire more than one’s proper share. What is the link between Greed, dating and Saturn, the astrological planet linked with cupidity? Saturn disguised as Greed can show …

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7 Sins of Dating – Wrath

After covering Pride and Sloth, we examine dating sin #3: Wrath – inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. In astrology, wrath is represented by Mars and shows how we activate our passion, get inspiration and motivation, and break through blocks. The ruler of Aries reveals what we to fight for, or against, in order to express yourself. Conversely, …

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7 Sins of Dating – Sloth

After covering Pride, we are now turn to Sloth. Sloth is defined as spiritual and/or actual laziness. The definition encompasses, however, more than mere idleness to include also apathy. Apathy can kill your chances of finding Mr. Right. How does this sin manifest in dating? First, you are ‘too busy’ for love. You always relegate searching …

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The 7 Sins of Dating – Pride

The 7 Sins of Modern Dating A friend contacted me not long ago complaining, “There are no good men!” Her exclamation had me thinking about the bad habits and negative mindsets we develop when we want to find Mr. or Mrs. Right; our sins to speak of. They often act as stumbling blocks and prevent …

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April 2011 Aries Stellium: How will it affect you? Part 2

Yesterday, I described the possible manifestations of the April 2011 Aries stellium transit in Houses 1 to 6n (see post here). Today, we continue with house 7 to 12. 7th House: House of Relationships With the Aries energy in your house of relationships, you will either devote your time to tackling any problems in that area …

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7 Sins of Dating – Envy

I started my 7 sins of dating series with Pride, Sloth and Wrath. Today, we focus on sin #4, Envy. Wikipedia describes Envy (Latin, invidia) as a desire to own something that someone else possesses: a skill, talent, or ability. We become envious by resenting what another person has and believing we lack the means from achieving the same results. …

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Creativity and Element Imbalances in the Chart: Lack of Water

Creativity and the Lack of an Element This is the last post in this series. After looking at how the lack of Fire, Earth, and Air affects creativity, we turn to the last element – Water. Water is the domain of feelings in astrology Absence of Water Characteristics Absence of Water and Creativity A difficulty …

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Creativity and Element Imbalances in the Chart: Lack of Air

So far, in this series, we have covered the lack of Fire, Earth. The next element in line is Air. Absence of Air Characteristics Absence of Air and Creativity Stephen Arroyo in his book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” states that people with a lack of Air rarely perceive this as being a problem. …

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Creativity and Element Imbalances in the Chart: Lack of Earth

Creativity and the Lack of an Element Continuing our series creativity and the absence of an element in your chart and how this impacts your creativity.  After covering chart imbalances in general, and the lack of Fire, we focus on the problems caused by the absence of Earth in the chart. Absence of Earth Characteristics …

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Creativity and Element Imbalances in the Chart: Lack of Fire

Creativity and chart imbalance In my first series on Creativity and the 4 elements, I equate an element with a specific aspect of creativity: Fire with composition, earth with materials, air with technique and water with feelings. This new series revisits this equation and attempt to understand how the lack of an element can affect …

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